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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
July 31, '08
Sorry there was no rant on Monday, I was recovering from my trip, and then there was this book I had to read, and then our computer broke for a while. There wasn't much to say about the comic anyway. I inked two pages while I was there and I did some writing for later on as well. So that's something, more than I've done since I got back, in fact. Oh well.
Sorry about those two pictures in the gallery being broken for so long. It was due to my not understanding the update system at first, but then I thought I fixed it and didn't actually check whether it worked before I left. Two files were in the wrong folder also. It's really fixed now, I promise.
I have been wanting to acquire some more tie-dye shirts, as the ones I have are becoming ragged. I bought one on the islands that has a typical rainbow swirl dye pattern and then says "Peace, Love & Sailing: St. John, USVI" printed on it. It is currently my favorite and I am wearing it right now. However, this merely whets my appetite. I want to get some good dyes and lots of shirts. There's a design or two I'm thinking of involving LleuGarnock. First one for me, that says, like, "I draw The Elves of LleuGarnock" with a picture of Gemi and the website. Then others except without the "I draw" part. I'm good with fabric paints as well as tie dye so I'd put the design on over the dye like on this shirt I'm wearing. I don't know exactly how I'd manage to sell them over the 'net, but I could make some for my friends, and if I ever get a table at a convention I could sell them for cash or something. I don't know. The logistics of marketing make me feel uncomfortable, but I would really like to be able to offer something more colorful and personal than can be achieved with cafepress.
So, yeah, I went to the islands, and I sat around in the rental house, by the pool, especially the first couple of days because I felt ill. The house was nice and cool because it was like on the top of the big mountain-shaped island. The beach was too hot and swimming got kind of boring. The other female members of the outing seemed to want to sit on the beach and do nothing for most of the week, whereas I preferred to do nothing out by the pool where it was cool and shady and there were running water and snacks available. (The boys went scuba diving, which frightens me, and they were all already certified and I wasn't.)
I was happy when the female contingent decided to go into town to shop. It was fun to look at the jewelry, which is probably the biggest local craft, since the raw materials can be imported in small amounts and still prove profitable on a largish scale. I don't wear jewelry much, though, so I focused on colorful textiles as souvenirs, although they were made in Indonesia and Honduras. I'll still remember I got them there, especially the shirt, which is a bona fide souvenir, having the name of the place printed on it before it was shipped over from Honduras.
My favorite part was the sailing and snorkeling trip. I'd never been on a boat at sea before. It turns out I don't get seasick, thank goodness. I do, however, float. When people were free diving down to look more closely at things, I couldn't shake off the surface. I'd dive down with my head and body and kick with my fins, but it wasn't very effective since my fins stayed firmly out of the water. It was more funny than anything else, though. I was happy enough just floating and looking down into the water at all the fish and people swimming under me. The worst part was by the end I was so thirsty, and even when I got out and drank lots of water I couldn't get the taste of salt out of my mouth.
Woah, I am tired. I got up pretty early every day in the islands, so now I get tired much earlier in the evening than I'm used to. Maybe on Monday I'll say more about my adventures.