The LleuGarnock Gallery
My LleuGarnock Art

New, with moonlight! Download standard wallpaper (1280x1024)
Download widescreen wallpaper (1680x1050)

Download standard wallpaper (1280x1024)

Download widescreen wallpaper (1680x1050)
Other projects:

The summer entry for the CG pageant

The winter entry for the CG pageant

The large version of the picture on my new banner

April 24, '08 without bubbles

the original painted tree background

a random moon elf

My first fanart, by Dreamaniac!

A moonelf by my friend LunarSkunk

Guest art from Lady Nilstria

Guest comic from Sylvia

Guest comic from Marianne
My Other Arts

An experiment with noir style - the character is from Dragon's Fall

A character sketch

A character from another project

Just a sketch in ballpoint and colored pencil

One of my favorite old watercolor works

An old sketch I thought I'd color for the gallery

A fanart I drew

Our characters, as drawn by me

I found this when I was cleaning. I forgot I drew it.
The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright Irene Pitcairn 2008.The Elves of LleuGarnock is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.