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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
August 7, '08
Well, LleuGarnock won't be appearing on Wowio anytime soon. I heard a lot of unflattering things about the new management there and some things about the new contract that make it seem like it's not worthwhile. Apparently you could have read it for free on their website (which you can already do here) or paid for downloading the PDF (which you can do at Lulu for less). Their old-style sponsored free downloads seem to be running down.
So today's update is two pages. I was having a lot of trouble structuring the storytelling into one page increments at this point. There will be one more of these in Chapter Two. I'm doing better about that kind of thing now, so after the second one there may not be any more for a while. It's an interesting option to have, though.
I ordered my tie-dyeing supplies and I'm quite excited. I bought the shirts and dye on Sunday and the shirts have already arrived! They're pretty good, and they cost an average of two dollars each. I'm thinking of also ordering a custom stencil with the logo on it to expedite the application of paint, but I think I'll start tie-dyeing first. I want to know how difficult it's going to be to produce these shirts in quantity before I spend any more money on it. I got 20 shirts of various shapes and sizes, but of course some of them are just for me to have fun tie-dyeing and then wear. I love tie-dye. Can you tell?
My script I left undone between two pages has turned into two scripts. I'm past the length of chapter one already, and I knew chapter two was going to be longer, but I still wonder if there's any way to keep it close to the same length. I can't really cut it off in the middle of the stuff I'm doing now. Chapter three would not form a coherent arc, and would be hard to name.
It's my fault, I guess, for getting bored in the middle of chapter two and adding all these side stories. It really does make it more interesting, though! And it's not like this chapter's going to end up twice as long as the first one or anything. Right, now watch me make up 35 more pages of scripts accidentally. Well, if that happened, I have a place I could split the chapter a little earlier than planned.
I'm not sure that won't actually happen. This is why I love my buffer.
Right, so I'm currently well into December, with my 100th comic coming up in January. It's going to be exciting, and I get to celebrate it twice! I'll celebrate once when I actually finish it, and again in January. Then my comic and I both have our birthdays in February. Today is my half birthday! I am a quarter and a half!
This means James's birthday was on Tuesday. It was fun. We went out to dinner with his dad and stepmom. He was also happy because Agricola finally came in the mail. Apparently this is a really good board game.
I've been talking about the awesomeness of brush pens for a while, haven't I? The first use of one featured in the comic is still more than two weeks away, even though a bunch of stuff in the gallery is brush pen. It's rather strange. Time is a strange creature.
That's all for now! Check back for more exciting news!