The Elves of LleuGarnockby Irene Pitcairn. Updates mondays & thursdays.


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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of LleuGarnock is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

September 1, '08

Hi, I'm not dead! I've been working on my novel and various craft projects. I'm really happy about the progress the novel is making. It's going to be awesome. I started Chapter 3 of the comic today refreshed and inspired. I'm doing something slightly different with lettering based on some feedback I got; I think it's going to improve the look of the comic.

Because of my break I'm down to three months' buffer (oh no!). I'm going to try and increase that in the next week, but I'm also going to be very conscious of art quality and careful of what I'm sacrificing for speed. The Chapter 3 cover is pretty sweet; it has the best forest effect I've been able to achieve in the GIMP. It's even more impressive because it's all mouse-done. I really should get a tablet.

I did a little bit of rearranging on my links page; a few things have been added, but they aren't suitable for all audiences. The improved page notes that. I received some fan art; I might paste it soon, or I might wait until I get the promised color version. We'll see. It's very exciting.

There will be more later, I promise! Bye!