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Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
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October 2, '08
I'm seriously considering getting a Cintiq. I was watching those videos of Hawk working on his, and drooling. Applegeeks isn't on my links page, but I do read it - the topics aren't ones I'm really enthusiastic about, but it is consistently quality, and I definitely enjoy the art style. So watching those videos of pretty comics being drawn right on the screen definitely inspires some envy.
I've pretty much decided I am going to get one at some point, and the larger size at that - the 21UX. What I'm wondering now is whether it would be better for the development of my drawing style to wait a while longer. I've come amazingly far in the last nine months, moving from ballpoint to liner to brush-pen to brush. My brush lines are smooth and confident, which amazes me. It's something I've wanted to be able to do since I first started reading manga. But should I go farther with the brush, or move to the tablet?
If I choose the tablet, the freedom and life that my brush strokes have now will have the chance to expand and flourish. If I make a mistake I'll be able to undo the line and start over, or just erase part of it immediately, where I now would have to work around it. On the other hand, now that I have this confidence with the brush, I feel that I should use it and develop it. This is what I wanted, and I'd feel a bit guilty if I just gave it up like the other steps in my chain of materials. And I also wonder if continuing to work with the permanence of ink will teach me to be more careful and precise, and whether that's a better direction to be exploring right now than freedom.
Of course I won't stop inking entirely, especially if it takes me a while to get used to the tablet. I just imagine the transition coming fast, especially since I took to the brush much faster than I'd imagined. The other factor is still my fear of owning expensive yet portable items. Yesterday I thought I'd broken my laptop, because neither James nor I could get it to turn on. Actually the one power cord wasn't plugged into the other power cord properly, so it ran out of power and wasn't getting any more, but it still fed my fear of breaking things.
I bought some fake cheese online yesterday. It should come soon, since I paid for two day shipping. I'll tell you how it is on Monday. I got two kinds, a cheddar-flavor of one brand, and another brand of simulated mozzarella. I have to buy it online because the soy cheese they sell in the grocery store actually has milk proteins in it. It's the stuff that makes it stretchy, which is the stuff I'm not allowed to have. I'm wondering what the texture of that simulated mozzarella will be like without it.