The Elves of LleuGarnockby Irene Pitcairn. Updates mondays & thursdays.


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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of LleuGarnock is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

October 30, '08

I haven't been doing much work on the comic. I finished all my scripts a few days ago and now I'm meditating on the next few scripts while I do other projects.

James and I have been watching Deep Space Nine; we just finished the second season. It was my favorite Trek, but I haven't seen the last couple of seasons, because I found it difficult to get over Ezri replacing Jadzia. I have a hard time with changing actors even when it really does make sense. That probably has something to do with the reason I don't like Dr. Who as much as some of my relatives do. Seriously, I've got fans on every side! My sister, my newest aunt Emma, and my brother-in-law Nigel all think I should be obsessed with it.

So I wasn't really excited about the halloween costume thing, even though I'm going to a party. It's a D&D party, though, and I've done elf and tiefling, and anything else seems too complex to be worthwhile. But then I had an idea. It won't really go with the theme, but it's simple and something that's definitely interesting to me. I made a Bajoran earring. The plan for the nose is bubble gum, which is a tip I found in an online article. Then I'll just wear one of my normal outfits, but I picked one which, when combined with the earring and gum, will definitely say "post-occupation Bajor."

Anyway, I was going to tell you what I've been working on. I'm making a level in Little Big Planet. It's not going to be dumb and short like most of the user-created junk that's up now; that means it's going to take at least another week to build. I'm particularly proud of the gnomes I designed. So I'll definitely let you know when I publish it.

The contest results should go up over the weekend, so I can tell you what I've been up to in that area on Monday.