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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
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November 6, '08
I'm alive, no worries! One of my fans even called me to make sure I hadn't died (and also because I'm supposed to be helping her with a project, and I'd been neglecting it, but it was nice to hear from her anyway). I can now reveal my big secret: I've purchased a Cintiq!
It's great. The first two pictures I did with it are in the gallery now. I entered them in a contest in which I had to conceal my drawing style, and I didn't want to give away that I'd gotten a new edge. It really helps with putting detail into a picture, because I can change the size of the paper I'm drawing on to suit the line I want to draw!
I'm definitely glad I got at least the fundamentals of brush inking down before I got it. It helps, because the best way to ink on a Cintiq is a long, smooth stroke, and the screen has basically no resistance, just like a long-haired brush. Before, I was too used to the way the paper grabs the tip of a pencil or felt-tip pen. I would have tried to work in a sketchier style, and I don't think the results would have been nearly as good.
It's also easier than working with a brush, for several reasons. One is that I can press the pen to the screen for a little bit of resistance. I like to be forceful with my tools, so it was difficult for me to learn to work with a brush without ruining it (exactly as I did with my first brush pen).
I find it easier to do my sketching on the screen than I thought I would. I still have my camera handy to snap a picture of a sketch if I need to, but I seem to be managing without paper, except for my scripts and rough layout ideas. We'll see how it goes.
I'm just starting to get back into those scripts. No worries, I've still got plenty of buffer. It's this flashback/story thing. I really want to make it interesting. I know the current comics are sort of all over the place, but I hope you're enjoying them anyway. I have these strange issues with time and my scripts...if too much time goes by in between scripts I start to drift to a time where something is happening...other than the next script. Well, the one I'm working on now should flow better as part of the story. I haven't entirely figured out how yet, but I'm working on it.
My LittleBigPlanet level is also experiencing some delays. I think I needed a break from the digital arts, because I found myself a project where the painting can't be done digitally. I got myself a big wooden treasure chest and I'm painting it for my youngest cousin for Christmas. It's got lots of intricate decorations and trees and exactly one fairy. I can post pics in the gallery...after Christmas, just in case. It might not be done until mid-December, anyway. I penciled in all the designs but I still have to paint them, and some of them disappeared in the first wash before I perfected my water-to-paint ratio. So I've still got some sketching to do.
My diet didn't work out. It was reducing my appetite, so that was good, until my body caught on and started getting ill when I drank sugar water or oil on an empty stomach. I'm trying something different but related. For the third meal of the day I'll have hot cereal (oats, flax and buckwheat) with no flavors added, sweetened with the leftover fructose powder. It'll still taste like grains, which will reduce its effectiveness, but at least my stomach won't reject it. Maybe I can find a less flavorful blend. I know where to get unground sorghum, but only in bulk, and I'm not sure how long it would take to cook. Most of the gluten-free grains I can get are definitely flavorful, like corn. I could use cream of rice, but it always seems so empty. Although I suppose it's better than fructose water.