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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
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site automation service for webcomics.
November 24, 08
You may not have noticed but the Buzz vote button has been broken for quite a while. It's back up! Feel free to vote for me over the holiday season, although I'm probably not going to make a real push for votes until next summer. It seems to be the best time for the more obscure comics to get a share of the attention. When my comment box is full, I'm much more enthusiastic about the rankings.
I'm falling behind again, and I'm actually a bit worried. I want to have extra buffer going into the holidays, because I know I'm going to be working on a lot of other projects, too. But instead I've been rereading the Mary Russell mysteries, which I adore. At least I'm almost finished, and at least I finally fixed that vote button and tweaked the Links page. I haven't been completely lazy. Also, friends and family have been freed up for their thanksgiving breaks, and I've been spending much-needed time with them.
On Saturday afternoon we went to see the new Twilight movie - me and James, both my sisters, and Allexx and Ian. It was very fun, and a better interpretation than many of us expected. I really enjoyed the chemistry and interactions of most of the cast. The red-eyed vampire group annoyed me somewhat, but I think that was partly intentional, and partly due to everyone looking at previews and photos and complaining that they looked wrong. Their clothing was one of the more glaring differences from the book.
There are a lot of little things I could get caught up in even if I restrained myself to comic-related work, like reorganizing the archives, adding some new techniques to my Tutorials page, and looking into switching to a different print-on-demand company, or even buying ISBNs. I've already allowed myself enough freedom in my definition of comic work, by buying a domain (www.sunelves.com) and designing and ordering some new business cards. I really hope that once I'm done reading Locked Rooms, I can get back to actually drawing comics.