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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
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site automation service for webcomics.
September 25, '08
So the rant is late today, sorry; and then when I looked at the comic I realized today's is one I'm actually excited to talk about. The map is one of my favorite things. It puts so much information into this page without it being too full of text and boring.
I wanted it to actually look like an old parchment map. One way I did this was to scan it in grayscale and use more traditional (although still digital) coloring methods. I used my normal black-and-white, bucket-fill method with the bottom "panel," which has the effect of making the map look more real than the landscape around her. Because she has a photographic memory, this is probably pretty accurate; if she is remembering the map, it would seem to her to be the most real-looking thing.
so now you know, even if you haven't read the wiki or my elf culture page, that the human country they live in is called Calindell. This is an old map, from before the wizard wars, if you hadn't realized. Lleugarnock was, at this time, an elven town but open to human commerce. It was one of the more remote settlements, though, and there were elven cities in the South that actually had humans living in them.
OK, OK, you'll learn more about this later, and when I get around to figuring it out maybe I'll write a history section into elf culture. I just thought the map might make people curous about such things. it makes me curious about them.
Also, for the record, in Calindell and the rest of the known world there are no dwarfs or orcs or centaurs or anything. Just humans and elves, and possibly a race I like to call Paracelsan Gnomes, but you won't just see them around. Also, I don't mean to exclude the possibility of humans with dwarfism, in case that wasn't clear.
Anyway, back to current news. I'm done inking page 99, and it's pretty. I'm still frustrated by my inability to draw Syblai. He's improved, but not nearly as much as the girls have. Don't get me wrong, I have drawn some pictures of Gemini that don't quite look like her. But I still don't know what Syblai looks like in the first place!
So back in maybe the second month of comicking, I came up with a couple of scripts. I didn't know where they went in the continuity, but I drew them anyway. I thought they would be maybe five or ten pages away. It turned out to be more like seventy. So of course now that I am here in the place where they go, I can draw much better, and so I have to redraw them. I'm enjoying immensely making fun of my old drawings in comparison to my new drawings. Also, I rewrote the scripts to flow together to form an actual story, which I think I'm also much better at now.
So last night, when I was supposed to be writing this, I had completely lost track of time because I was reading the archive of Wapsi Square. It's very distracting. However, I have some recommendations for anyone who may start reading it: The magic is serious stuff, and actually impacts the plot a lot. Keep that in mind. However, the fact that the dog apparently has opposable thumbs and near-human intelligence? Completely irrelevant. I like to ignore the dog.(Note: I'll be putting this comic in the "for adults" section of my links page.)
Bye everyone! Look forward to my next exciting installment!