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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
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September 4, '08
I just completed Page 95, and it is gorgeous! Hooray! of course the numbering system at this moment still assumes that I will eventually finish the page now waiting to go into the 88 slot, which I may drop, and I haven't finished coloring the three before 95, so I'm not all that close to 100 pages - but I'm pretty close!
I've got a script for page 96; it's nice and clean and amusing, with some definite visual possibilities. The problem is, I can't imagine them properly. I've only got a clear visual concept for the second panel, and there are six (theoretically). In Chapter One and maybe even in Chapter Two I'd be drawing it right now anyway and let the visual concepts develop along the way. I think I needed to do it that way to figure out how to think about comic panels and pages, but I'm very glad now that I'm able to hold myself to a higher standard. I always intended to produce more polished work eventually, but the criticism I've received recently has really been making me think carefully about every panel I draw. It's some quality pressure.
I really enjoyed Scott McCloud's book, Understanding Comics, as some of you know. He (and others) kept mentioning Will Eisner's advice on comic writing and drawing, so I had to go and buy one of his books. I'm having a hard time getting into it, though. I think a lot of it is that I just don't particularly like Eisner's drawing style. The page just isn't compelling to me because it's got all these ugly, nobbly people all over it. I'm still going to make the third or fourth attempt to actually read it, to get out those gems of wisdom that everybody says are in there. I've probably got a better chance of getting through that than A Tale of Two Cities. With that its third chance was probably its last. Some classics are just not meant to be eternal.
Hmm...I made cornbread today. It was pretty good. Also, for the record, I really really hate making doctor's appointments and dealing with the complexities of insurance. It's pretty much the worst thing I have ever had to deal with. For this I am :sort of thankful.