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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
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June 16, '08
I'm not dead, don't worry. You could say I'm taking another vacation, but it feels to me like an awful lot of work. It's been hot as blazes for most of the last week or so, and I've had this flashback rattling around in my head refusing to shape up, but the magic cards have finally found a permanent home in some new plastic drawers, which meant I could vacuum behind the couch finally. Also when I was going to sleep maybe the night before last, I wrote a couple of scripts and when I woke up I remembered the basic ideas to write down. I think they might work.
I'm kind of allergic to a bunch of things, so I do a lot of cooking from scratch. Last weekend was hard for me. I didn't want to cook too much at the apartment; the heat was already overloading the air conditioning and I didn't want to waste the electricity by making the apartment unliveable despite that wonderful machine. So we went out to eat a couple of times, and I ate some stuff I wasn't really supposed to. It wasn't so bad, but it contributed to making me feel a little trapped and crazy. Crazy doesn't help me write comics (though it occasionally contributes to my work on my autobiography).
So James woke up yesterday and decided he had to run a 4th edition D&D game. We went to the game store and bought a mat, gathered Mel and Will, and he ran a simple dungeon crawl for us. It was his first time DMing, and all of us had never played fourth, of course. Mel only played in my one short 3.5 campaign, which was sort of all over the place. So I have to say that fourth is far superior for teaching people quickly and putting characters together. I still don't understand the 3.5 combat rules, and I've been playing pretty regularly for maybe seven years (or was it just third back then?)
Mel and I both played Eladrin, which from the description sound a lot like sun elves. I drew mine to look a lot like one, almost automatically. When I go to draw humans now, I have to stop myself from giving them pointed ears! She had blond hair with a couple of locks wrapped in green thread, and turquoise pupilless eyes. Mel's character looked a lot less like a sun elf, being at the other end of the Eladrin spectrum with auburn hair and purple-brown eyes. It was fun to draw Will's character, a Tiefling with great big horns and green-black dreads (I am the acknowledged artist of the group). Next time we meet I'll try to get a quick photo of the pictures off our character sheets and I'll post them for your viewing pleasure.
I'm obscurely pleased to have written a rant that will be incomprehensible, at least in part, to most people. I must be in quite a strange mood.