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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
June 5, '08
Hi, all!
I colored things. They're pretty. I think all my self-questioning and worrying that my coloring wasn't worthwhile was an advantage when I actually sat down to color. I wasn't just on autopilot, I was thinking of the ideal coloring job for each page. I didn't maintain enthusiasm until my ideal had been achieved, but it was still better than average.
I really really want a Cintiq tablet. Now that I've gotten my camera and gone out to the park to take reference photos, I realize I have to either copy them off the screen or make a bunch of prints. If I had a Cintiq I could just trace the elements of the picture I wanted straight from the digital photo onto my scanned page.
That kind of sounds like cheating when I say it like that, but it isn't really. Also, I'd like to try digital inking. But I just bought all those new pens. Not that their price compares at all to the $1000 price tag for the Cintiq.
I'm going to see if I can hook my camera up to the PS3 and get my photos to display on the big hi-def screen. Then at least I can copy them off a good screen from the comfort of my couch, instead of having to balance my drawing surface in front of the computer monitor.
I'll still probably buy a screen-tablet someday, but expensive, portable items make me nervous. So does spending more than $300 on something that doesn't contribute to my food or shelter.
I'm afraid in October humor will really lose ground to serious plot elements. It's intriguing, and the art is quite graceful, but it may not be worth checking in to read twice a week. Or it might be, if you're as interested in the story as I am. Of course, this could also apply to the current set of comics, so if you're coming back to read this page as it goes up, you'll probably still be here in October.
So I was wrong about that funny strip that Mel likes coming up in October or November. Stuff keeps happening to my characters, or at least they keep talking to each other. I'm revising my estimate to possibly January.
Okay, I'm going to shut up before I start giving everything away. Bye all!