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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
April 21, '08
I don't remember whether I was pressing for extra speed when I did these comics, but they look like I drew them quickly in as simple a layout as I could. Now I wouldn't call a comic finished if it had so little detail and visual meat to it. Of course, that may be one reason I'm so stuck now.
If you look over the site a little, you might see what I've been spending my time on - there's finally a gallery page up. It's mostly random art of mine at this point, but there will be more. I really don't believe in filler (for myself; I understand others' use of it occasionally), so if I make a comic related sketch that's where it will show up, and I'll probably mention it here.
It's one of a couple of things that I've been doing in preparation for starting the first big push for publicity; I've also submitted my newsbox, and gotten something substantial up onto the CG Wiki. I'll link to that when I've got the kinks worked out; it's proving problematic, since I am one of the many people that the Wiki has decided it doesn't like logging in. I have to do all my changes through a third person.
I'd also like to get some kind of store up, but I'm having trouble thinking of things related to the comic that people might actually want to buy. The humor of LleuGarnock isn't easily translated into snappy one-line T-shirts. There are two things I probably will try at some point - a CafePress store with small pretty objects printed with art vaguely related to the comic, and some form of hard copy of the story. This will probably be from Lulu, since CafePress doesn't do color comics; I'm thinking each chapter separately in a folded binding. I believe that would be about nine dollars for the first chapter, 43 pages plus cover, but I've got until at least July to figure out the details, since that's when Chapter 1 will be complete here on the site. I've got an even longer time before I have to figure out how to make a larger volume cheaply - I can even dream that some big publishing company will decide to pick up LleuGarnock.
As I'm putting pictures into the gallery, and as I try to create salable merchandise, it occurs to me that my character designs and plot are far from ideal for such things. Some comics have very decorative characters who take a long time to draw, but just a drawing of that character standing there can have enough power and complexity to, say, make people want to wear a t-shirt with that image on it. Some comics have characters who are very simply and quickly drawn, but who do interesting, dynamic things on a regular basis. They can be drawn fighting or holding weapons, or flying, or whatever it is they do.
My characters are designed for repeatability; they haven't developed their skills for combat or even held a weapon, at least the current main characters. Gemini could show off her talents in a dramatic way, but it would be difficult to portray them in a way that doesn't need verbal explanation; besides, she isn't the one who likes to show off, Syblai is.
There's always someone above you and always someone below you. I've been looking through the Naruto art book at all the bright-orange-ninja pictures that jump off the page. I need to go read some crappily-drawn webcomic. That always makes me feel better.