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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
April 17, '08
The buffer is slipping a little. I'm still stuck on the same page as last time, but I've been doing a lot of good work for the future of the comic. I've done some awesome character designs for people who will be seen much later, in story arc code name EHM, and also characters who will be seen sooner, probably in the next year. I've been doing some writing for story arc code name TLS, with actual words, instead of bubbles and boxes. For that section I needed to write as if it were part of the book, and then as I translate the book into comic form it will also be processed.
In some parts of my head all this is still a book, just waiting to be translated back into words, if extremely well-illustrated ones. I will complete the transformation to comic form, but I am still unsure whether this draft of the story will be the "final product." It probably will be. But I still feel that my art is progressing, and that eventually I will want to redraw the whole first chapter. I'm thinking I probably won't, though.There will always be imperfections and I can't let that slow me down too much.
My work on coloring effects is becoming more effective relative to the time I spend on it, but I'm often lazy about it. The work I do will slowly become better, though, because once in a while there is a coloring effect that I'm excited about and I just have to work on, and every time that happens my skill level goes up, even on the sloppy little things I do when I'm not excited about the effect.
I think it's safe to say that you will never see an uncolored page of LleuGarnock go up. Because of my lazy coloring style, it's very quick and painless to do my first layer of coloring. If I become very pressed for time or lazy, a comic may lack some effects it should have, but it won't be black and white.