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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
March 31, '08
When I decided to make The Sun Elves into a webcomic, I wasn't sure whether I was going to try to make it funny or not. There are a couple of reasons I decided to give it a try. One is that I thought it would get people involved in the story; even if I didn't manage to maintain the humor, people might be involved in the story enough to continue. Another is that I just wasn't sure where to start; the original book has very little opening scene before it starts into flashbacks and explanations, and that wasn't right for a comic. I had to think of something new and entertaining.
The biggest benefit I've noticed, though, is that it really is easier to tell a deep, interesting story when I focus on the funny little moments in the characters' lives. I know the characters so much better than I once did. They're much more real to me. And I have gotten so many more ideas about things that might happen, complexities and subplots. This is going to be a much more interesting story than the original.
For those few of you who have read the book (or at least the beginning - even my family quit reading from boredom; not a very good advertisement, I know), events that occurred on approximately p. 2 of the book are scheduled to appear around the end of June or beginning of July. This will be the start of Chapter 2 in the comic. Wow, if every page of the book gets its own chapter, this comic is going to have a long run!
This brings up the conflict between wanting to put out a lot of material, and wanting to complete the story before my brain turns to Jello and I am forced to seek new employment. Because there really is a story here that I want to complete. The good news is that I have several plans for the end of the story.
Plan A is to keep coming up with new ideas, and perhaps begin "Book Two" when the existing storyline is completed. The good thing about my huge buffer is that by the time book one is out there, I will have a pretty good idea of whether there is a story for book two which is sustainable. Plan B is to stop after or soon before the events of the "epilogue" of the original book, which was really only an illustration, but an illuminating one. Plan C, which I hope to avoid, is to crash and burn right after the last written event in the book, which takes place significantly earlier. It is, however, a perfectly good stopping place, and I believe I would consider my job done. Or, at least done enough for a really nice sabbatical.
So those are my plans, vague as they are. I don't want to give too much away, or, much more likely, bore you all to death, so I'll go to bed now.