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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
I got tired of drawing trees.
Which is unfortunate, since I’m so fond of how they look. And since my characters live in a forest.
For a while, the background to this was a photo, because I just got so sick of drawing flat little stick-figure trees. But fortunately I went to the art-supply store and found something new and interesting to experiment with. This was done on black paper, in white watercolor pencil and watercolor. Originally I got a bunch of watercolor pencils but only the white ones look good on black paper. But I bought two white ones and only a few others - I suspected that might be true.
I was inspired in this by the backgrounds of Earthsong; they look like pastels on black paper and they're quite pretty. Unfortunately I really hate media that smudge. But I found a way. The layout is very fluid in these first few pages. I’ll probably never have a set format, but I will continue to draw each page on a sheet of printer paper, portrait-wise. The previous page is a little shorter than the rest, and the next page significantly taller. I don’t know what I’m going to do with that one when I go to print a book.
A lot of more serious story comics have pages with not much value on their own. I’m trying to avoid this. In every script I try to provide information about the world, move forward in the plot, and entertain. Mostly this has been through humor. I don’t know how long I can keep it up, since I have not really done humor before, and the plot isn’t inherently funny. In fact it’s rather dark. But I’ve kept it up longer than I expected already, so here’s hoping!
The backgrounds are continuing to shift and change, and I'm managing to keep humor in the story. My formats have gotten even more varied - the comic I just drew had ten panels, the record! The story requires at least ten, and I think it looks good. I'm excited to be switching to a Monday/Thursday schedule so I can show everyone how much better I'm getting!