The Elves of LleuGarnockby Irene Pitcairn. Updates mondays & thursdays.


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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of LleuGarnock is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

March 24, '08

I'm presently taking a small sanity break, or rather I'm working intensively on one picture that may or may not be a one-panel comic at one point, but that is a lot of fun to play with in the GIMP. We'll see whether this delay stretches beyond the completion of the picture. The fun of making the comic has stayed pretty stable, but the effort I put into making it feels like it's going up. Based on my track record I'm really afraid that if I stop being excited/obsessed with the story for too long I'll never get back to that point, so I'm going to try to push myself back into regular comics once I'm finished with this picture.

Originally I wasn't sure I 'liked the idea of "rants," updates on the state of mind of the artist often involving complaining about writer's/artist's block. But for one thing it really is therapeutic, and for another, some of my most loyal fans love reading it; namely my mother, who has always wanted to know what goes on in my head.

Does the second panel of today's comic look strange to you? It looked great when I drew it, but when I put it into the computer I flipped the second panel for formatting reasons and now it really looks odd to me. I refuse to change the picture or flip it back because it doesn't make any sense! Aiken's face is relatively symmetrical. I read Ranma 1/2 Action Edition, in which all of the pictures are flipped, and it looks perfectly normal besides the unusual proportion of left-handed people. So I wonder. Is it just me seeing something in my own art that no one else can see? Or does anyone else think that picture looks odder than usual?