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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
May 22, '08
Well, I hope all this makes up for the lack of rant before. That sunset on Monday was pretty cool, wasn't it?
Today's comic is the last with a hand-colored background. It's another one of my paintings, and originally I painted the characters too, but they were almost unrecognizable. I love internal architecture and design, and I'd like to put more of it into the comic, but it's difficult. When I lay out a page I tend to think first of the character's face, and when I'm done that I realize I've drawn them at an angle where you can't see any of the interesting architectural details. I've been trying to work on this, but it's working against me that I really think the characters' faces are the most important things to show. I guess it's partly because I find the architecture interesting, but I usually don't think of a way to make it interesting to my audience as I percieve them. It might also be because I know my way around the details of modern houses and the features of a Medieval fortification or cathedral, but I didn't want the elves' dwellings to look like either of those, so I am somewhat at a loss. I'm trying to create a culture that values simplicity, also. Even so, I could be doing more.
So I missed the last rant, and most of the one before, and I haven't done any scriptwriting in about a week and a half. Words just haven't been flowing. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that my nails have grown to a ridiculous length for using a keyboard. You get used to that, and if it bothered me I'd cut them off, or I'd write this in Grafitti on my Palm pocket-thingy.
I admit it might have something to do with the fact that James bought Rock Band, and he keeps inviting people over to play music with us. I've been expressing myself without words, or at least in other media. At first I used my vocalist character primarily. She's named Tori, as in bird in Japanese, and has purple pigtails with red bangs. I'm comfortable with her, and I can already sing. In fact I probably should have started singing on at least Medium.
The singing scoring is ridiculously easy, and James agrees even though he's kind of a bad singer - maybe it has something to do with the culture of our hometown, where the schools all teach music as a required course, the fraternities traditionally serenade each other, and there seems to be a disproportionate amount of people who could get on American Idol if they wanted. In fact if they had a show called B. A. Idol it would probably contain more talent - although arguably less style. (Definitely less trendiness.)
I was going to say something about my drummer - her name's Inle and she's in a band called Frith and Inle - but other than that I find I don't have much to say.
Well, I seem to have got my words flowing again. I really imagined my rants would be shorter and more regular. I think I blog the way I clean house - I wait until there's enough crap piled up that I know it's time to do something, and then I do a good, thorough job of organizing. At least my thoughts pile up faster than the junk in my closet.
I'm not really worried that I haven't been scripting or drawing comics. I mean I'm a little worried, but I'm always worried, even when I'm actually working. I'm finished September now, so a two-week vacation doesn't seem indulgent, and whenever I sit down in my corner with all the papers, or at the computer, I check to see if I know what to do next - or if I'm as stuck as I am now, whether I'm detatched and fresh enough yet to go back over my notes for the next few scripts with new eyes.
I'm thinking about adding some multimedia content to the site. There's a place I'm thinking could use an audio track, at the end of June. If you've read through the LG article on the CG Wiki, you may have noticed that the comic supposedly involves storytelling. Well, I'm known for my skills at reading aloud, so I've been thinking that it might add something to the comic if I posted audio files of some of the stories that are told in the comic.
I haven't figured out how to go about this, but I think it will probably involve plugging the "Rock Band" mike into the computer and finding a program that will let me record its output. As for putting it up on the site, I haven't the faintest idea how, but I'll figure it out through my usual method of wandering the net until I find someone explaining a way to do it that I can understand.
Mid-July will be the end of Chapter One, and by then I plan to have a print version ready for sale in the store. I'm only going to do a little bit of work on the oldest pages, but there's only one page that I plan on changing fairly significantly. Other than that I think I just have to wrangle up all the files of the right size, make sure they're finished, and increase the margins. Oh, and maybe I should write something for the end, and make a back cover. Well, I've got time.
I'm buying a new digital camera - our old one died a few months back, and now that it's warmer I can go out and take reference photos. I like technology. The camera I picked is cheaper, smaller and more powerful than our old one, and it's red! I like colors.
Having a camera again also means that I can work in a larger scale if I need to and not have to worry about piecing things together after they're scanned. Yay! Although I've always preferred the smoothness of printer papers over drawing papers, so it probably won't change much in that area.
In social news, congrats to our friends William and Karla on their engagement! They are our favorite elf ninjas and we wish them happiness.
Good night, all!