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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
December 20, '08
I feel like my buffer is shrinking really fast, but really I've still got three months of work built up. I think that's because I had four and a half going into my slump, and then I forced myself through a few more. Actually calculating my buffer makes me feel a lot better, but I still like to keep it at four months. Four months feels very comfortable to me. If it was any more I think I'd feel very detatched from the comics when they went up. When it's less I'm nervous, but three is all right.
I'm getting back to work, in my roundabout way. Another thing that makes me nervous is not having enough scripts I'm looking forward to, and not having a good idea of how the next stretch of story is going to be shaped. I thought I could finish chapter three without doing any more work on chapter four, but I was wrong. So in my hurry to get it done, I got tangled up in the pressure and had to leave the comic alone for a while.
The way I brought myself back to it was, I went to a point far enough ahead that there's no pressure to work on it, and I started brainstorming. I have got a lot better idea of some things about the early climax now. Then I slowly brought my brainstorming back, making definite progress in the fifth and fourth chapters, and even writing some dialogue which I still need for the end of chapter three, after this dumb flashback.
Now that I'm back to working on things that will be relevant soon, I think I'll work on the actual scripts for the end of chapter three and the beginning of four. I'm still not inspired to draw the scripts I have right in front of me. I still want to make them better. And I'm still at a loss as to how. Now that I'm working on stuff again and I'm keeping track of my buffer, I think I'll be more comfortable about letting that situation stand and not forcing it.
I also figured out some stuff that might be relevant in book two. I really hope I can come up with a plot that I'm happy with by the time I finish LleuGarnock. There are some other stories that I am definitely interested in putting into comic form, but I know that I am much better at actually working on something if I've already been working on it for a while and have gotten attached to it. Also, because I am attached to these characters, I already want to figure out what happens to them later. And of course, people like a comic with a long run. Once everyone can read the whole story, they'll want to know what happens next, not to read some other random project of mine.
I'll need more than the few vague ideas I have; I know also that it's very difficult for me to work on a continuous project without a solid idea of where the plot is going. So it really does depend on how far I get on the plot for book two before I finish book one.
I'm going to have plenty of time for that. I know from my recent work on the later chapters that the LleuGarnock storyline is going to continue to be much more fleshed out than the original book. My earlier estimates of total time for the project came out to three to five years, but I was already thinking that as low as three was unlikely, and now I'm thinking it will probably be more like five years, or even more.
One year of posted comics is coming up pretty fast. Just a month and a bit away. Isn't that strange? So, maybe four to go, I guess. I'm really happy that I've made it this far and I'm really excited to see what I eventually put together.
Woah, this is a lot of rant. Well, I did a lot of thinking, but it didn't really come out into anything coherent until now. Even now, I wasn't sure I had that much to say about comics. I was thinking about fleshing out the blogness by writing about why I will probably never learn to drive or how Christmas decorations make me naturally buzzed for the duration of the holiday or how I had a party and my house is pretty clean. Oh well. Maybe next time.