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The Elves of LleuGarnock is Copyright
Irene Pitcairn<2008-2009. The Elves of
LleuGarnock is hosted on
ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and
site automation service for webcomics.
February 5, '09
Exciting things are happening! We're leaving for NYCC tomorrow, but I leave you with exciting new web features to poke around in. The Frumph button is working now, and for my more enthusiastic fans that means you can vote for me every hour, rather than just every day like on TWC. A fellow comic artist recommends letting people know that you can also vote for other comics on those sites, as many as you want in the same voting period. Just so you know.
My listing on the Frumph.net site also includes a message board, so if you want to ask a question or start a discussion you could sign up as a Frumph reader and post there. I've been wanting to get a forum on the CG network, but it seems to be delayed, and since that option also involves registering, I thought I'd go with the Frumph option for now, since it's up and ready to go right now. Maybe I'll eventually get a whole forum, with sections and stuff, and not just a message board, but it doesn't seem necessary at this point. My fans haven't seemed especially talkative recently.
The other big new thing is Lleugarnock is now available to read here on the Kidjutsu.com site. I recommend reading the archives there if you have a huge monitor and the comics here on CG look tiny on it. I put my print-resolution images there, and they have a great reader system which fits the comic pages to your screen. LleuGarnock's only going up on the Kidjutsu site chapter by chapter, though, so you still have to come here to get the latest updates.
Well, I think that's going to be just about it for now. I have some ideas tumbling around in my head but none of them have matured to the point where I really want to write about them. I'm sure I'll have a lot to talk about after NYCC, so maybe there'll be a long rant on Monday, if I'm not completely exhausted Sunday night.